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contoh kalimat afternoon tea

"afternoon tea" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • This is more important than his afternoon tea.
    Ini lebih penting dari acara minum teh sorenya.
  • But afternoon tea, that is the greatest.
    Namun, teh di sore hari, itu yang terhebat.
  • Well, we won't expect afternoon tea.
    Kami tidak mengharapkan hidangan teh sore hari.
  • Join me for a late afternoon tea.
    menemaniku minum teh malam ini.
  • I know how sacred afternoon tea is to you Brits.
    Aku tahu sakralnya minum teh sore untuk kalian orang Inggris.
  • Would you like your afternoon tea sent up to your room?
    Apakah Anda ingin minum teh sore hari Anda Dikirim ke kamar Anda?
  • Peacock Lounge, Unique and luxurious dish Afternoon Tea
    Peacock Lounge, Unik dan Mewahnya Sajian Afternoon Tea
  • Lunch, Dinner, Afternoon Tea, Late Night, Private functions
    Santap siang, santap malam, tengah malam, acara pribadi
  • HIGH & AFTERNOON TEA Hotel Aston Samarinda
    Aston Samarinda Hotel & Convention Center - Video Gallery
  • Including daily breakfast and afternoon tea for 2 persons.
    Termasuk sarapan dan afternoon tea untuk 2 orang.
  • Daily afternoon tea or coffee at Dewata Lounge
    Teh atau kopi sore di Dewata Lounge
  • Daily afternoon tea with Balinese finger food
    Jamuan teh setiap sore dengan snack asli Bali
  • Complimentary in-villa afternoon tea (availability from 03.00-06.00pm)
    Teh di sore hari di Vila (15.00 - 18.00 WITA)
  • [Restaurant & Bar] Afternoon tea in Shanghai
    [Restaurant & Bar] Shang hai Guan Tang Bao
  • Hand painted coffee COFFEE afternoon tea background wall
    Tangan dicat kopi KOPI sore latar belakang teh dinding
  • HIGH & AFTERNOON TEA Hotel Aston Samarinda
    ? Aston Samarinda Hotel & Convention Center - Video Gallery
  • Fashion coffee afternoon tea tooling background customization
    Mode kopi sore kustomisasi latar belakang teh perkakas
  • Afternoon Tea is served from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
    Afternoon Tea disajikan mulai pukul 15.00 hingga 17.00
  • Full-board meal arrangement (Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon tea and Dinner)
    makan pagi, makan siang, teh sore dan makan malam
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3